Monday, September 8, 2008

best ever meatloaf

well, hubby’s on a protein diet, so spaghetti bolognaise fell by the wayside. now what to do with the mince i’d defrosted… mmm, it calls for the world’s best ever meatloaf!

soak 2 slices of bread in just enough milk to disintegrate. add 2 eggs, 1 finely chopped onion, ½ cup of grated cheddar cheese, ½ cup of grated carrot, 1 chopped clove of garlic, 500g beef mince and salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. mix thoroughly and place mixture in a loaf tin.

mix together ¼ cup of brown sugar, ¼ cup of tomato sauce and a ¼ cup of dijon mustard. pour on top of the mixture.

bake in the oven at 180º celsius for 1 hour, turn the oven off and leave to rest for a further 15 minutes. turn out onto a platter, all done!


Abc said...

Holy crap, you can cook too! How much does it cost to overnight a homemade frozen meatloaf to the states? On second thought, it’s probably easier if you just came here yourself.

Don’t forget your skillet!

Ariel said...

I LOVE meatloaf- I add whatever is in the fridge and then? I make a couple of trenches down the center and put in Bleu cheese crumbles and then cover it up and then I wait... Until its done... I love the cheese in it ... mmmmm

Qtpies7 said...

I add chopped spinach, too. It's a good way to sneak it in the kids' tummies!
You can make your meatloaf into a fancy cake by "frosting" with mashed potatoes. It really looks like cake! My kids and hubby were impressed and they LOVED it, as if it isn't the same ingredients I use when I make meatloaf and mashed potatoes separately.